Tender Details

Particulars Details
2024-25 maintenance and repair of roof of p a n c h a y a t o f f i c e b u i l d i n g chathamangalam gp
2024-25 maintenance and repair of roof of p a n c h a y a t o f f i c e b u i l d i n g chathamangalam gp
Organisation Local Self Government Department | State Govt. and UT
Tender Id 2024_LSGD_680665_1
Tender Fee 555
EMD 2965
Tender Value
Link https://etenders.kerala.gov.in/nicgep/app?page=FrontEndTenderDetailsExternal&service=page&tnid=1058752
End Date

22/07/2024 ( Expired 81 days ago )

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